
  • А.А. Bardin
  • V.E. Goncharov



Ключові слова:

математичні методи у геології, комп'ютерна база даних «Стратиграфія України», просторове моделювання стратиграфических одиниць


Стратиграфія і математичні методи в геології є такими, що взаємно доповнюють одна одну, синергетичними областями знань. Їх методологічне об'єднання породжує емерджентний, якісно новий стан ефективного інструменту для прогнозу пошукових об'єктів на нафту і газ. Завданням даного дослідження є використання досягнень минулого для підготовки якісно нових можливостей на майбутнє. 



Bardin A.A. Necessary computing environment for the accumulation and interpretation of geological and geophysical data under the conditions of PGO / A.A. Bardin // Geochemical Systems: Methods of Isolation and Interpretation. – Lviv, 1987. – P. 50-52. – (Prep /AcademyofSciencesof theUSSR,InstituteofGeologyand Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals, No. 87-1).

Bardin A.A. System approach in the organization of information support for hydrocarbon exploration on the basis of a computer / A.A. Bardin // Tr. III All-Union. Conf. "System approach in geology" (theoretical and applied aspects). – M., 1989. – T. 1. – P.306-307.

Bardin A.A. Algorithm for substantiating the location of the exploratory well on the basis of calculating the center of the volume of the predicted deposit. A.A. Bardin, Ya.V. Zhariy // Human-machine technology for solving forecast problems in petroleum geology. – L.: All-Russian PRGPI, 1988. – P. 123-131.

Bardin A.A. On the question of the mutual correlation of stratigraphic and lithologic-stratigraphic boundaries in the dismemberment of the geological section / A.A. Bardin, G.I. Vakarchuk // Geoinformatics. – 2002. – № 2. – P. 86-90.

Bardin A.A. The user aspect of the databases of the PGO / A.A. Bardin, D.I. Chuprinin // Tr. Науч.-техн. Conf. "Problems of creating universal databases in geology". –Kiev: GEOS, 1990. – P. 18.

Goncharov V.E. Geological information. The provisions in the earth sciences / V.E. Goncharov // Geoinformatics. – 2007. – №. 3 – P. 19-26.

Goncharov V.Е. Geological direction of information technology/ V.Є. Goncharov // Geoinformatics. – 2006. – №. 2. – P. 92-97.

Goncharov V.E. Informatization of stratigraphy – the first step in informatization of geology / V.E. Goncharov // Thesis. Doc. Intern. Scientific-practical. Confection "Effective technologies for the development of hydrocarbon deposits", Rechitsa 1-4 Oct. 2013 – P. 212-214.

Goncharov V.E. Sublocal geological forecast of oil and gas prospecting objects within the territory with high exploration of the Dnieper-Donets basin / V.E. Goncharov. –Chernigov: CSTI, 2011. – 257 p.

Goncharov V.E. Elaboration of the principles of stratigraphic of image information in geological studies / V.E. Goncharov , L. P. Kononenko, G. M. Kalenska // Geoinformatics. – 2008. – №. 3. – P. 56-68.

Goncharov V.E. Informational analys in stratigraphy / V.E. Goncharov, Z.P. Shevyakova, A.V. Pupov, G.M. Kalenska. // Theoretical and Applied Aspect of Geoinformatics: Com. Sciences. Etc. – K., 2009. – P. 31-47

Karogodin Yu. N. The crisis of basin stratigraphy and the way out of it (system-litmological approach) / Yu.N. Karogodin // Actual problems of oil and gas bearing basins.Novosibirsk: Publishing NSU, 2003. – 158 p.

Kulinkovich A.E. Problems of geoinformatics. / A.E. Kulinkovich, N.A. Yakimchuk //Kiev: Center for Management and Marketing in the Earth Sciences IGN NAS ofUkraine, 2009. – 171 p.

Peak of oil. Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Peak_oil

Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic and that of the Phanerozoic of Ukraine: in 2 volumes, T. 1., Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Ukraine. / Head ed. P.F. Gozhik. – K.: Logos, 2013. – 637 p.




