
  • I.I. Demyanenko
  • H.M. Bondar
  • I.I. Demyanenko (jr.)



Ключові слова:

обґрунтування напрямів геологорозвідувальних робіт, ресурси, свердловина, пошук, розвідка, поклад, непродуктивність свердловин, приріст запасів


Викладені результати нового напряму геологічних досліджень - комплексного аналізу проблем непродуктивних розрізів фанерозою, розкритих бурінням у Дніпровсько-Донецькій западині. В основі досліджень лежать результати аналізу непродуктивних розрізів нафтогазоносних комплексів. Виявлені причини і фактори, що обумовили поліфакторність проблем відсутності промислових припливів вуглеводнів у розрізах фанерозою. 



Abrazhevich E.V., Baranovskaya N.Ya., Demyanenko I.I. et al., 1983. Features of predicting and prospecting nonanticlinal oil and gas reservoirs in Dniepr-Donets basin. International scientific conference “Methods of prospecting strategic and lithological oil and gas reservoirs”.Baku, p.128-129 (in Russian).

Chebanenko I.I., Demyanenko I.I., Yevdoschuk M.I. et al., 2007. Hydrocarbons prospecting in the Eastern oil and gas region. Dopovidi NAN Ukrainy, № 3, p. 133-136 (in Ukrainian).

Demyanenko I.I., 2009. Geological structure and oil and gas saturation of inter-depressions zones in the western subregion of Dnieper-Donets basin. Abstract of thesis, candidate of geol. sci. Kyiv, 24 p. (in Ukrainian).

Demyanenko I.I., Gladun V.V., Zeykan O.U., Tsoha O.H., Demyanenko I.I. et al., 2009. Geology and petroleum saturation of lower Carboniferous deposits in Skorohodivsko-Artyuhivska zone of complicated structures. International scientific-practical conference "Oil and Gas Geophysics - Status and Prospects". Ivano-Frankivsk, p. 83-86 (in Ukranian).

Demyanenko I.I., 2001. Hypsometric localization and prediction of oil and gas bearing intervals in Phanerozoic rocks of Donetsk-Dnieper basin. International scientific-practical conference “Oil and gas genesis and the their fields formations in Ukraine as a scientific basis for predicting and prospecting new accumulations”. Chernihiv, p. 95-97(in Ukranian).

Demyanenko I.I., 2001. Hypsometric oil and gas columns of Phanerozoe in Dnieper-Donets basin. Chernihiv, 156 p. (in Ukrainian).

Demyanenko I.I., Klochko V.P., 1991. Structural and geological conditions and the basic criteria for exploring fields of northern side area in theDnieper-DonetsBasin. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, p. 36-39 (in Russian).

Demyanenko I.I., Kukuruza V.D., Samarets A.V. et al., 1980. On the status and futher oil and gas exploration works on Schurkovska area. In: Exploration and development of oil and gas fields. Lvov: Vyscha shkola, Issue 17, p. 7-11 (in Russian).

Demyanenko I.I., 2004. Problems and optimization of oil and gas exploration works on sites of Dnieper-Donets basin.Chernihiv, 220 p. (in Ukrainian).

Demyanenko I.I., 1986. Prospects for the opening of oil and gas structures in the Visean-Tournaisian productive complex of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Thes. Rep. of Union Seminar “Oil and gas forming at shallow depths”, M., p. 288-289 (in Russian).

Demyanenko I.I., 1989. The main types of oil and gas structures in the productive Phanerozoic complexes of Dnieper-Donets Basin. Tectonika i stratigrafiya, iss. 30, p. 16-18 (in Russian).

Holovatskyy I.N., Baranovskaya N.Y., Demyanenko I.I. et al, 1993. Develop and implement the recommendations on optimizing exploration and estimating technique of complicated fields reserves in oil and gas regions of USSR. Refereed magazine. 08. Geology. Combined volume. M., № 5, p. 34-35 (in Ukrainian).

Vakarchuk G.I., 1967. On srtatigraphical break of Carboniferous sediments in the North-West part of Dniepеr-Donets basin. International scientific-practical conference “Geological science achievements for Dniepеr-Donets basin during Soviet time”. Chernigiv, p.78-80 (in Russian).

Yevdoschuk M.I., Chabanenko I.I., Gavrish V.K. et al., 2001. The theoretical basis of non-traditional geological methods of hydrocarbons prospecting. Kyiv, 288 p. (in Ukrainian).




